Oral Cancer Screening
Studies show that oral cancer is on the increase and that early detection dramatically improves the chances of recovery. We therefore check for any signs during your routine dental appointment.
What does the screening process involve?
During the quick and easy check, we will investigate the following:
- Unusual swellings, abnormalities and other changes to your face or neck
- Changes to the lips
- Enlarged nodes in your neck
- Inside your top and bottom lip – looking further down the sides of your mouth
- Inside your cheeks
- Your tongue (while it is at rest and also while moving from side to side)
- The floor and roof of your mouth
We can also offer advice on diet, tobacco and alcohol and suggest other ways to help reduce your risk of developing oral cancer.
What to check for at home
In between appointments keep an eye out for any of the following:
- Difficulty swallowing
- A sore spot that doesn’t heal
- Red or white patches
- Any lumps
- Numbness in the tongue or mouth
- Loose teeth
- A persistent sort throat or hoarse voice
- Unexpected swelling in the jaw
- Dentures that suddenly become uncomfortable
- A persistent earache or blocked nose
The Mouth Cancer Foundation is an excellent source of further information. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any concerns.